Irena Urban Salon-Style Argentine Tango Instructor

 Basic Level

This 5-week series is about learning basic fundamentals to develop nuanced techniques, stylish movements, and graceful navigation in your tango dance at the next level.

Agenda for Mon., 10 March 2025

  1. Warm-up and stretching with stabilizing the axis and moving the free-leg.

  2. Review of lead’s and follow’s techniques with musicality practice:

2.1 Initiating the first step, developing walking skills, and learning how to stop.

2.2. Maintaining connection by keeping energy forward while walking.

2.3. Identifying and walking on the strong beat.

2.4. Reviewing two figures: A 90-degree turn and the six-count basic Baldosa box.

2.5  Reviewing two new elements, namely the 8-count basic Baldosa box with “The Cross”

2.5.1   Practicing “The Cross”, disassociation, and closing on “8”.

3. Review of:  Walking Turn with Pivots on the beat (musicality).

4. Introduction of Lineal Walking Turn on the beat (disassociation, connection, and musicality).


All of our lessons are action-oriented and repetitive so that students “get-the-feel” of dancing salon-style Argentine tango for the purpose of building confidence and long-term muscle memory.

We encourage students to video record any segment of our lessons for their own personal use and reference.

5-week series

Every Monday: 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31 March 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

No partner required - Drop-ins welcome

$15/person or $75/ person for series     $25/couple or $125 for series

Taught by Larry and Irena

Irena Urban Salon-Style Argentine Tango Instructor

Intermediate Level 1

This 5-week series is on the cross-system and disassociation techniques.

Agenda for Mon., 10 March 2025

1.   Warm-up and stretching, strengthening the ankle muscles, and balancing techniques.

2.   Disassociation Technique: Keeping connection between the lead / follow by using disassociation.

2.1    In 8-Count Basic (in open- and close-embrace).

3.    Review Walking turns in Cross-System on the open- and closed-side.

3.1    With musicality

4.    Introduction of the 8-Count Basic in Cross-system     

5.    Practice phrasing and “expressive pausing” from Step 5.


All of our lessons are action-oriented and repetitive so that students “get-the-feel” of dancing Argentine salon-style tango for the purpose of building confidence and long-term muscle memory.

We encourage students to video record any segment of our lessons for their own personal use and reference.

5-week series

Every Monday: 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31 March  8:00 - 9:20 p.m.

No partner required - Drop-ins welcome

$15/person or $75 for series     $25/couple or $125 for series

Taught by Larry and Irena